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Crizal Prevencia


Essilor Crizal Prevencia

Enquiry Item

Crizal Prevencia lenses protects you against harmful blue light, reflections, scratches, oil, dust, water and UV rays.

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions below for more information.


Essilor Crizal Prevencia

Block out the bad light and let in the good

Crizal Prevencia is the first clear lens to prevent long-term damages for your eyes by selectively filtering harmful UV and blue light.

Maximises the benefits of light, while reducing the risks.

UV light from the sun can cause cataracts, while blue light can cause AMD. By choosing Crizal Prevencia, you are protecting your eyes on a daily basis and maintaining your long term eye health.

At the same time, it lets in the good light that regulates sleep and mood, and boosts brain activity.


Our advanced technology provides the most effective UV protection possible, and filters out harmful blue-violet light. Look out for the Eye Sun Protection Factor (E-SPF*) to be sure your eyes are protected.

This no-glare lens gives you the best vision in all light conditions, and is resistant to smudges, scratches, dust and water.

Crizal’s latest innovation selectively filters light

1. Prevents premature eye aging by selectively filtering out harmful blue light

2. Reduces retinal cell death by 25%

3. Preserves your overall well-being

4. By letting essential visible light pass through (including good Blue-Turquoise)

5. Sleep/wake cycles, mood, cognitive performances etc

6. Improved vision comfort

7. From dazzling outdoor blue light and indoor digital screens

8. Provides optimal vision & durable transparency

Lens Index SPH CYL Max Compound
1.56 +6.00 to -8.00 -2.00 -8.00/-2.00
1.60 -0.00 to -10.00   -10.00/-2.00
Airwear +4.00 to -8.00   -6.00
1.67 -2.50 to -12.00   -10.00

*Please check in store for other product or degree unlisted here (e.g higher Rx degree)

Find out more about Essilor here

Refractive Index

1.56, 1.60 (Thin), Airwear (Impact resistant), 1.67 (Super thin), 1.74 (Ultra thin)

Sphere (SPH)

-0.00, -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50, -1.75, -2.00, -2.25, -2.50, -2.75, -3.00, -3.25, -3.50, -3.75, -4.00, -4.25, -4.50, -4.75, -5.00, -5.25, -5.50, -5.75, -6.00, -6.25, -6.50, -6.75, -7.00, -7.25, -7.50, -7.75, -8.00 (Max SPH available for 1.50 & 1.60 indexes*), -8.25, -8.50, -8.75, -9.00, -9.25, -9.50, -9.75, -10.00 (Max SPH available for Airwear index*), -10.25, -10.50, -10.75, -11.00, -11.25, -11.50, -11.75, -12.00, +0.25 (All '+' SPH are not available in 1.60 and 1.67 index*), +0.50, +0.75, +1.00, +1.25, +1.50, +1.75, +2.00, +2.25, +2.50, +2.75, +3.00, +3.25, +3.50, +3.75, +4.00, +4.25, +4.50, +4.75, +5.00, +5.25, +5.50, +5.75, +6.00

Cylinder (CYL)

None, -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25, -1.50, -1.75, -2.00

Axis (AX)

None, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180

Online sale of prescription glasses

The prescription for online sale of spectacles shall be restricted to the following:

- Consumers aged 16 years old and above without any organic eye disease or systemic medical condition that will affect vision; and

- Spectacle for single vision use, with power up to +6.00-6.00/-2.00DC (i.e no prism, curve lenses, progressive lenses, bifocal lenses or free-form single vision lens).

The prescription for online sale of spectacles shall contain the following information in order to be considered a valid prescription:

1.      Details of consumer including full name, date-of-birth and contact number.

2.      Date of eye examinations done

3.      Issue date and expiration date of the prescription (not more than 2 years)

4.      Name, work and/or contact address and contact number of the prescriber;

5.      Refractive error of the consumer (indicate spherical and cylindrical readings)

6.      Inter-pupillary distance reading

7.      Back vertex distance (if applicable)

8.      Material/design of spectacle frame (if applicable)

9.      Written assessment that the consumer does not have any existing organic eye disease or systemic medical condition that will affect vision

10.  Statement of advice acknowledged by the consumer to undergo eye checks if the spectacles causes discomfort

*Once you have purchased the items, we will contact you for an appointment to conduct the necessary eye examination at our store before dispensing any glasses.